DIY Gas Calculator

Posted by @justinthedeeps on Sun, May 19, 2024

Out of interest in the properties of mixed gases, I made this homebaked gas calculation tool, written completely in Google Sheets from basic mathematical formulae. This is actually pretty simple maths, like pre-algebra level. I made no consideration of non-ideal gases.

[“Embedded” (view only) from Google Sheets–I have not found a ’live’ embedding.]

You can make a usable copy of this Google Sheets here. No liability or warranty is given for use of this example. “Do not use for diving.”

If you are engaging in diving using mixed gases, there are more apps and commercially available gas blending tools, such as in the MultiDeco software. I am also a fan and user of Subsurface, which now includes full support for ’technical’ dive planning. That said, my ‘back of the spreadsheet’ math seems to agree pretty well with these, and is very customizable.