Just in the deeps

Diving, oceans, science, exploration


What's better than traveling? Taking too much equipment!

Most peoples’ idea of a good vacation is to take a break from our challenging lives, wake up somewhere relaxing, go easy on ourselves, and re-energize from how simple and …


Have you thought about your risks lately?

Humans can breathe only a few things safely. One of those things is clean atmospheric air between sea level and ~4000 metres. Another one is oxygen, at a partial pressure between …

Using oxygen as an 'inert gas' (aka NITROX)

and its relation to 'Martini's Law'

Compressed air with higher proportions of oxygen (aka NITROX, EAN) is commonly used in recreational and repetitive diving, due to reduced bodily absorption of nitrogen, which …

Slacks widget

Visualizing slack times for quick reference

I created a web widget to conveniently display upcoming slack times, according to the NOAA current predictions. XML info is queried for specific sites and dates using the NOAA …

The metric system (for diving)

Let's make this simpler! 👍

The USA has the curious distinction of being effectively the only nation in the world that has declined to move on from the old English imperial system of measures. Many divers in …

Keystone Opening May

Our favorite go-to oasis of protected local biodiversity

Some of the best marine ecosystems to explore from a public access state park are located on Whidbey Island, the easiest and largest of the islands exposed to direct tidal flows …

DIY Gas Calculator

Out of interest in the properties of mixed gases, I made this homebaked gas calculation tool, written completely in Google Sheets from basic mathematical formulae. This is actually …

New Website

'When social media has gone too far'

Welcome to my new website, where I will be posting about interesting topics in the realm of diving, oceans, equipment, techniques, science, as well as hosting some resources and …